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Group of Asian waiting for an interview


AGnowledge is a platform that we created for candidates to hone their interview skills.

We leverage our deep case study interview expertise to tailor coaching services that will get you the dream offer!

Alessandro Catapano



Hi There!

Please, let me introduce myself. My name is Alessandro, Co-Founder of AGnowledge! Gabor and I worked very hard to bring you a structured and concise company, that offers affordable consulting case coaching. I am truly hoping that you can find your ideal service on our platform!

If you want to have a quick chat about consulting and application, please feel free to contact me via LinkedIn!If

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Our Mission

We remember when we were getting ready for our case interviews. After a few mock cases with each other, we wanted something harder, an outsider per se, so we began to look online for case coaches. We were honestly shocked to see that the coaches charged 150-400€ for a single hour case prep. Our minds were racing, questions were flying past our consciousness as we began calculating how to properly split our monthly budget in order to afford a SINGLE coaching session. After a few days, we made up our mind to actually go through with the decision and booked our first “professional” consulting case prep appointment. While the coaching was useful, what we realized is that even if you are the best case interview prep coach, not much can be passed on in just one hour. A stable and useful amount of coaching would have cost us over 4000€, which is unfortunately not available to everyone, including the two of us, students at the time.

However, to our luck, shortly after we met a guy from our network, who offered quality consulting case preps for students for a very affordable price. While at first we doubted the quality, we were just amazed how useful his ideas were and for 200-300€, I could easily book 3-4 sessions with him. After 2 months of preparations, we successfully got our offer from our dream firm. One of us landed at MBB, while the other did not stop until securing his place at Deloitte London.


What are our takeaways?

  1. Consistent, comprehensive, thorough preparation is needed to get the invitation for the first round of interviews

  2. Professional coaching makes a huge difference that will make you stand out from the crowd and pass all the interviews

  3. There is no affordable, comprehensive solution that supports students or professionals in the early stage of their career, who have limited budget


We created AGnowledge with the mission to support students and young professionals in securing their dream position at their target company. We provide a comprehensive service package that guides YOU through each stage of a recruitment process, let it be CV drafting, Motivation Letter writing, Case Interview practice or Fit Interview practice. If you apply at an office where our alumni are working, we are also ready to ask for a letter of recommendation and referral. 


We firmly believe that everyone should have access for quality mentoring and coaching without paying the price of a used car.

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